
Five Tips for Commercialising Your Message to Build a Stable Speaking Business

Any entrepreneur feels uncertainty when they start a new business venture. As an influencer, you may find that uncertainty magnifies. Most speakers start out with experience and a story. They don’t have a specific product to sell. Instead, they’re trying to use their words and presentations to get people to engage with them. It’s what you do after achieving that […]

Five Tips for Building a Personal Brand (From Simon Sinek, Gary V, and More)

Why should people connect with your message? If you can’t answer that, you need help building your personal brand. Follow these tips from the experts. What does a personal brand mean for a speaker? It’s an important question to ask yourself, especially when building a business. You may think that your job begins when you set foot on stage and […]

Harvey Milk’s Hope Speech (And How His Speaking and Body Language Changed a Nation)

When you speak with passion and a cause, you can change the course of history. That’s exactly what Harvey Milk’s “Hope Speech” did for millions in the United States’ LGBT community. The mid-point of the 20th century saw a lot of changes in how we treat one another. The 1960s saw millions challenging the societal norms that had stayed entrenched […]

Hiring a Marketing Agency: The Pros and Cons

You know that you have the skills when you head out on stage. But is your marketing really doing what you need it to? If not, hiring a marketing agency may be the best choice for you. Having the ability to show people an amazing story is only part of the battle. As a speaker, your goal is to get […]

12 Personal Branding Tips from the Shark Tank Experts

The experts on the hit show Shark Tank have all built amazing businesses. They also have amazing personal brands. You can learn a lot from following their guidance. Are you familiar with the popular television show Shark Tank? It’s not about marine life. Instead, imagine a venue where entrepreneurs have a chance to impress business icons into investing in their […]

Neil Patel’s “Fake It Until You Make It” (And Six More Tips from This Online Marketing Entrepreneur)

Neil Patel is a world-renowned expert in search engine optimization and digital marketing. He has also leveraged this expertise to create a successful speaking career. And in all his efforts, his confident approach never fails to captivate. As an influencer, you’re not going to get stage fright. But there is a big difference between not being afraid and radiating confidence. […]

Take Advantage of Your Strengths (And Three Other Personal Branding Tips You Can Learn From Tim Ferriss)

Tim Ferriss made his name as the man who can help people to create a four-hour work week. However, he’s also built a strong personal brand that speakers can learn from. As an influencer, you put yourself out there every time you head on stage. You’re the brand for your speaking business. Even as the business scales and develops its […]

How Michelle Obama Built Her Personal Brand (And What You Can Learn From Her)

The United States’ former first lady has become a major influencer over the last decade. Here’s how Michelle Obama built such a powerful personal brand. The President of the United States arguably holds the most influential office in the world. However, the position of First Lady is also extremely important. In fact, many of those who take up this mantle […]

Mandela’s “I Am Prepared to Die” Speech (And What You Can Learn From This Great Storyshower Presenter)

Nelson Mandela inspired millions during his crusade to end apartheid in South Africa. Here, we look at what made him such a great influencer. Born to the Madiba clan in the Eastern Cape of South Africa in 1918, Nelson Mandela is one of the most inspiring figures of modern times. He grew up listening to stories about the brave accomplishments […]

Social Media and Speaking: How to Use the Web to Your Advantage

The web is one of the most powerful tools at any influencer’s disposal. And in social media, you have a platform that can help you reach a wider audience. Here’s how to use it effectively. Every influencer wants to expand their audience. But you can only rely so much on your speaking, especially in the early stages of your career. […]

The Four Things That You Can Learn from Ronald Reagan’s Challenger Speech

Ronald Reagan may have been one of the world’s best speakers. He even earned the nickname The Great Communicator. But it’s one of his most tragic speeches that gives us true insight into what you can learn from him.   Ronald Reagan served as President of the United States during much of the 1980s. But before that, he was an […]

Six Reasons Why You Should Write a Book to Promote Your Speaking Career

Great storyshowers aren’t just masters of the speaking craft. They’re jacks of all trades, especially if they want to make money from their speaking careers. A book can help you build your career in a number of ways. You know that you have a unique story to share with people. When you speak, people get inspired to take action. You […]

4 Little Known Ways Gary Vaynerchuk Built His Brand To Become An International Success

Hint: Tip #4 Is The Most Effective!   In the 1990s, Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary V) saw the Internet as something with great potential. He clearly had remarkable foresight given how all-encompassing the web is in the modern day. But back then, speaking was the furthest thing from his mind. In fact, Gary V saw the internet as the perfect place […]

The Five Techniques That Richard Branson Used to Build His Personal Brand

Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin and one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. He also has a personal brand as large, if not larger, than that of the company he created. How did he build that brand?   In the 1960s, Richard Branson founded Virgin Mail Order Records. This small business accepted orders for records via mail, with […]

How Two People (One of Who Is Visually Impaired) Became In-Demand Speakers

Your story has the power to inspire and influence others. No matter your background, you have a message to share. Find out how two Speakers Institute clients became expert storyshowers.     The things that we experience during our lives mould us into the people that we are. Every experience, whether big or small, shapes our stories. Everybody has something […]

After Making Millions In Financial Services, Fran Reinvented Herself As a Professional Speaker, Blogger and Influencer. Here’s How.

Speakers Institute offers you the opportunity to break out into a new career. That’s exactly what Fran achieved. With our help, she became a powerful storyshower and forged a new career as a speaker.     Do you feel like you could do more with your career? Perhaps your experiences have lent you a unique insight into how things work. Or, […]

7 Surprising Reasons Why John F Kennedy is One of History’s Greatest Storyshowers

JFK is world-renowned as one of the greatest leaders in American history. Part of his strength came from his ability to influence others by showing his story. In the annals of American history, there are few presidents as revered as John F. Kennedy (JFK). Though his time in power was brief, with a tragedy bringing his life to an end, […]

How Real People Transform Themselves Into Storyshowers (And How You Can Do the Same)

Are you a Storyteller or a Storyshower? It’s not enough to just tell people about your story. You need to show them. The speaking industry is changing. For decades, speakers have spent their time telling stories. They’ll stand on stage for hours on end and talk. But things have changed. People don’t want to listen to speakers who just recite […]

3-Step Formula To Overcome Difficult Situations

Have you ever felt genuinely “not okay” in your life and you don’t know how to turn around a difficult situation? Learn and watch how Sam Cawthorn, a powerful motivational speaker, explains the 3-Step Formula on how to cope and win with such adversity.  

The Business of Speaking (And Three Tips for Building a Million-Dollar Speaking Empire)

Great speakers can earn millions from their work. But to do that, you need to understand the business of speaking as well as you understand the concept of storyshowing.   There are thousands of amazing speakers in the world. They’re, in fact, experts in storyshowing. They can make their audiences feel every word that they say. Every speech they make […]

The Greatest Leaders in the entire planet are Master Storytellers.

Learn the Difference between telling a story and showing a story in a “Powerful way”, making an impact in the world.   “If you want to learn how to influence people and make a difference in the world, one needs to learn how to share powerful stories,” says Sam Cawthorn, a powerful motivational speaker and Master Storyteller of our modern […]

7 Little Known Speaking Secrets You Can Learn From Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

  Turning a struggle into an engaging story is not enough to inspire others to believe in a shared dream. You need to show them the story.   Martin Luther King Jr. had a profound impact on race relations in the United States and beyond. His inspirational speeches and peaceful activism empowered the Civil Rights Movement. King was a key […]

5 Surprising Tips That’ll Get You Paid (Yes, Paid) Speaking Gigs

When you speak at an event, you’re providing a service. You shouldn’t have to provide that service for free. Find out what these people did to get paid for speaking.   How much did you get paid for your last speaking engagement? Did you even get paid at all? For many, the answer is a resounding “no”. There’s no shortage […]

Tony Robbins: 5 Secrets For Influencing Millions Of People

Discover how world-renowned speaker Tony Robbins is spreading his message around the world.   What is your main aim when you stand up in front of people and speak? Sure, you want to get your story out there. You want people to listen and respond positively to what you have to say. But there’s a wider goal that all speakers […]

Why Some Speakers Earn 5 Times… 10 Times… 50 Times More Than You (Even Though You’re a More Talented Speaker!)

Even the most talented speakers can struggle to earn what they’re worth. What makes it worse is that you may see less talented speakers making plenty of money. This is what you can do about it.   You’ve worked hard to develop your speaking skills. Constant rewrites and practicing have gotten you to the point where you’re comfortable in front […]

How Top Influencers Get People to Stand Up and Take Notice

Having something interesting to say isn’t enough to get people to take notice of you. You need to frame your speech well to capture somebody’s attention.     You may consider yourself a good storyteller. When you talk, people seem to listen. They’re willing to give you the time of day and see the speech through to the end. But […]

Non Verbal Intelligence

WHY LECTURERS ARE NOT INFLUENCERS AND SPEAKERS MAKE THEIR CONTENT “ENTHRALLING” AT THE EDGE OF THE SEAT… IT’S NOT ABOUT ‘WHAT YOU SAY’… IT’S ABOUT ‘HOW YOU SAY IT’       Outstanding communication, to impact and influence the listener, does not have to mean that you have something super interesting to say, it means that you have communicated it […]

Social Enterprise for Mental Health Housing

Sharon’s dream is to set up a social enterprise for mental health housing to enable people that have mental health issues to have choices where they live. Hear more on Sharon’s story by visiting   Listen to the Podcast below:

Building Confidence & Voice

As a little girl, Phuong is quite shy and can barely speak a voice. When she grew up and started working in the corporate world, she learned to build her confidence. Now she is an International speaker whose passion is to empower people to pursue what they love.    Listen to the Podcast below:

It’s time to do it MY WAY

Niki is an Expert and Thought Leader on Mental Health and Well Being. Niki grew up behaved and inhibited where she does what is told and doesn’t question about it and just go with the flow. But Niki didn’t like this situation because she knew she had no choice. So she decided to make a decision and not worry what […]

Failure made me SUCCESSFUL

Failure is a process that makes us successful. If we learn from our mistakes, we move forward.11 years ago, Michael was living his dreams. Build new house, dollars in the bank, sent the kids to school. Unfortunately, days after he was in debt. That’s when his life became challenging. Michael did an assessment of what happened and formulated a plan. […]

Passionate about people and connection

Karyn is a CEO for 12 years at a charitable sector, which makes her passionate about social change and making a difference. She realised that she wants to make bigger waves, to make bigger impact. She knew it can be done by getting into a speaking platform. She is also passionate in ensuring people to have a high level of […]

Women and Technology

Georgia has 20 years of experience working in several industries and organisations. Today, she is now leaning towards technology after having spent most of her life in media. As a woman, she is surprisingly interested in technology facilitating business transformation. Georgia is aware that a lot of women are not into Technology, and she wanted to influence other women that […]

The 7 Step Pathways

Heather has a natural ability to communicate to people on their level. She has been on a journey focusing on self-discovery while she was hitting rock bottom when her marriage fell apart. Her challenges in life led her to lean on Personal Development, and eventually she managed to come up with a brilliant guide “7 Step Pathways” focusing on how […]

The Self Conservationist

Anna is a psychologist for 18 years. She discusses what self conservation means, explaining that self conservation birthed from her passion, which are her passion for people, and her passion for conservation.   Listen to the Podcast below:

Because of your Calling

Nelsa Clark Simmonds knows that finding your way can be tough especially when you are feeling lost. She also knows that the most important place to look first is inside yourself to harness the creativity we all have inside of us to truly heal and find our way through the darkness. By being in the proximity of Speakers Institute she […]

Because you’ll make it

Bernard Kelly has always been fascinated with success. Bernard had a vision to be successful, and through his hard work and determination he was able to achieve his goals. But he wanted to share his success with others so that they could achieve their own. Through his proximity of the Speakers Institute he has been able to share his ‘success […]

Because you crave GROWTH

Justine Pogroske has always wanted to share her message on the world stage. Justine’s message and stage presence were good but in order to be great there needed to be some changes to how she delivered and structured her message. With the help of Speakers Institute’s curriculum and frameworks she has been able to elevate her story to a whole […]

Am I Good Enough?

Warren Tate through his learnings at Speakers Institute has produced an Amazon Best Selling book and landed a world speaking roadshow! Proximity is power! When you are in the proximity of the right people the world changes for the better.

Sean’s Turning Point

Sean Nicholas is a transformed man! He came to a point in his life and health that he had to change. He discovered his greater purpose to coach other men in life and health. Speakers Institute’s stable of coaches and mentors helped Sean take his message of transformation to men everywhere needing some guidance and inspiration.

Investing in Yourself

Azriel’s shares her experience with Speakers Institute and how she was able to draw motivation and commitment from investing in herself through being part of the Speakers Institute community.


The Power of Effective Communicating for Affecting Change Advertising, social media and other peoples opinions are affecting change more rapidly today then any other time in history. These messages that we are exposed to every moment of every day are affecting the way we think, react and influence. These messages are the modern day dictator. To lead a company, a […]


As a professional speaker I am regularly asked to do free speaking engagements. The answer is always maybe. Firstly, let me say that it is hard to get through to Professional Speakers and get them to commit to doing anything for free. Charities, non-for-profits , association groups, BNI meetings, Rotary Clubs and the list goes on, can rarely afford a professional […]

6 Masterful Ways To Become Outstanding Through Transition

Everyone goes through transition and it’s this transition that proves our resilience, intrinsic motivation and formulates why we exist. Research tells us that when we are in transition many focus on WHAT we need to do and HOW we need to achieve it. We tend to focus our attention firstly to the process, system or strategy of the transition. Yet […]

2 Major Reasons Why We Must Know Our Value (And 3 Ways How To Do It)

With such a flooded expert industry, it is more important today to know how to get your message out and be heard. The experts that are making ground in today’s market have mastered their value and communicate it powerfully. There are two reasons why we MUST know where our value is and what we offer to our market. These are […]

The Most Successful Speakers in the Future Will be the Ones Who Harness the Rapid Advancements and Disruption in Technology

Highly paid speakers and coaches in tomorrow’s world will be the ones who harness the rapid advancements in online video and technology to meet the demands of the first fully digital generation. If you really want to understand the future, you have to start with the people who are going to live in it, and the most disruptive group of […]


Over the last 18 months I’ve been studying the speaking industry in all 4 corners of the globe, from the 2000 professional speakers at NSA (National Speakers Association) annual event in Washington, to Mumbai where the hottest speaking market in the world is about to boom. Throughout these 18 countries visited, we’ve discovered that there are 4 clear disruptions to the […]


The only unique value proposition that separates you from every single other person on the planet, is your STORY. Not even your fingerprint is unique (research tells us). No one in the entire world has your story, not a single person. I realised everyone has a story, and this story can inspire millions. I realised this after I started sharing my story […]

The 9 Differences Between Charismatic Leaders and Normal Leaders

There are core fundamental differences between normal leaders and charismatic leaders and it’s not just the way they appear. Most people make a decision from first appearance. They look at the suit, the hair and the way a person stands, however the core difference in leadership is how they communicate both verbally and non-verbally. 1. Talk with their hands Charismatic leaders […]


Your audience don’t really care about you, they don’t care what you think, your opinion or your message. All they care about is WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). This means that the Speakers Institute ‘Authority Communication Framework’ is IMPERATIVE!!! The Authority Communication Framework is for anyone that wants to get their point of view across in a powerful way. […]

How to Influence Even the Skeptics With these 5 Keys to Storytelling

Great stories can lead your audience/clients/customers to see both themselves and their world in new ways and have a thoughtful reflection. It has a unique power to make a meaningful impact on your audience as they appeal to their emotions, memories and imaginations. Here are some insights you’ll need to weave into your approach of delivering your message. • Identify […]

STORYSHOWING – How to stand out from the storytellers

Pronounced dead for over three minutes following a horrific car crash, Sam Cawthorn survived despite all the odds stacked against him. The accident resulted in his right arm being amputated, and caused permanent damage to his right leg. He was told he would never walk again; a setback that would surely defeat many. Proving the doctors and critics wrong, through […]