
2 Major Reasons Why We Must Know Our Value (And 3 Ways How To Do It)

With such a flooded expert industry, it is more important today to know how to get your message out and be heard. The experts that are making ground in today’s market have mastered their value and communicate it powerfully.

There are two reasons why we MUST know where our value is and what we offer to our market. These are the differentiating factors that separates the ‘self proclaimed’ experts, and the real experts that have become authorities in their area of expertise.

1. Formulate your Content and IP (Intellectual Property)

Real experts write. Writing books or blogs helps the expert formulate everything that going on inside their head and everything that they have learnt throughout their years. They are consistent with their blog writing and then use all their blogs as a template for their books. They also build models, diagrams and processes so their knowledge can be easily caught and practiced.

2. Credibility

When communicating to your market, you must know where your value is and what you can offer and fix for the potential raving fan. Knowing exactly where your value is and formulating that value in the way the market wants is how to build credibility. Credibility will come as you begin to have clarity of your value and worth and people start to talk. Getting that value out there through blogs, books, elearning programs, training manuals, video’s, ebooks, whitepapers, social community networks etc,

There are 3 easy steps when communicating your value to the market. Each of these steps are important to ensure full buy in from potentials.

I) Evidence

Each time you inspire a new idea or thought into the minds of your readers, potential client or while on stage, you must have evidence around this new ideology. “Research shows that….”, “the latest statistics are……”or “The latest study proves that…..”.

Evidence will capture the analytical minds and the skeptics. Proving your theory, idea or thought by the latest study or research will anchor it.

II) Metaphor

This is where you get their hearts connected, where you ensure their gut feels right about it. So you tell stories.

Stories are one of the most powerful contributors to getting people across the line and buy in to your idea. Learn to tell stories that emotionally connect, disrupt thinking and connects with each listener powerfully.


Having a strong ‘Call To Action’ and outcome for a piece is imperative. You can convince people of an idea but with no take away its pointless.

Your ‘Call to Action’ is the take away value that you give each listener/reader/audience member. It’s the value of why they follow you, listen to your advice and value your opinion.

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