Unstoppable Freedom

On the 28th May 2014, Keri arrived home from working in their family business, only to find out that her husband had passed away unexpectedly in their home. The very next day she realised everything boiled down to one question: “Do I let my passion die with him, or do I follow it with everything I have?” Since then, Keri  have invested everything into her mission. Over the following 18 months, she  restructured and then sold their family business to make space for her newfound purpose. Today,  Keri Anne Nelson is a business processes expert who uses speaking, writing and events to communicate her defining commitment. She help entrepreneurs and professionals reclaim their time and reignite their passion for their work by showing them how to develop and refine their daily business processes.


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  • Join SPEAKERS TRIBE CONFERENCE. The Ultimate Annual event for Influencers globally. APPLY TO SPEAK
  • Attend MASTERING STORYSHOWING FOR INFLUENCE AND AUTHORITY last event. A free event, learning from 7 times International Best Seller and Professional Storyteller, Sam Cawthorn, learning his secrets and techniques. BOOK NOW
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