
Watch the Behind the Scenes of Sam’s Storyshowing Book Launch

“It is up to us Leaders to be at the forefront of Global Connectivity through sharing and showing stories more powerfully to emotionally connect”  – Sam Cawthorn

Have you ever felt your throat hoarse from telling the world your message yet it didn’t land the way you had hoped?

You may have the perfect content and delivery, however, there is one missing element that’s crucial for your message to be effective.

Everyone is told to ‘tell’ a story around their product or idea, but the problem is that we are tired of being told. We want to become part of the story – we want to become immersed in it and emotionally connected to it. Only then will we catch the idea and run with it.

Speakers Tribe is launching Sam Cawthorn’s latest book, “Storyshowing,” at the October Tribe Gathering. In this book Sam show readers the step by steps to become effective, engaging Storyshowers and achieve outstanding results for their business and for themselves.

Watch this video:

Credits to Phuong for the video.

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