This High School Dropout Is The Last Person You’d Expect To Become One Of The Most In-Demand Speakers In The Country
Brad – From High School Dropout to Professional Speaker
Brad was a high school dropout and had little experience in business, though he was always passionate about making a difference. Today he is a global entrepreneur and professional speaker, and credits Sam Cawthorn for his speaking successes.
Sam Cawthorn is a global professional speaker and speaker coach. He has helped and coached some of the best and most in-demand professional speakers in the country.
Sam first met Brad in Tasmania, telling him about the professional speaking industry which Brad knew little about. Sam taught him the tools, strategies and systems that the best speakers in the country use, and before long Brad was on the road with Sam on a speaking tour inspiring over 10,000 people in one week.
This was the beginning of Brad’s professional speaking career. Today he is one of the most in-demand speakers in Australia.
Brad says this about Sam:
“Sam has helped me get into the professional speaking industry and has taught me things like stagecraft, storytelling and getting the highly-paid speaking opportunities. I recommend Sam as a excellent coach to get into the professional speaking industry”
Brad is not the only professional speaker that credits Sam for his speaking success. Sam has coached many people in the professional speaking industry… people like Sebastian.
Sebastian – Spreading His Bucket List
Sebastian went on a journey of discovery in his life, uncovering what he wanted to achieve and do in his life before he ‘kicked the bucket’, as they say. He started writing and blogging about his experiences, and today has a successful book on the market about – believe it or not – the 100 things he would like to do before he kicks the bucket.
Sam worked with Sebastian in getting his message out in a greater way particularly in the professional speaking industry. Now a regular on the national speaking circuit and getting paid the big bucks for his messages, Sebastian said this about Sam:
“Being the expert in professional speaking, Sam has been a huge wealth of knowledge for me as my own speaking has grown from strength to strength. He knows the ins and outs of the industry very well and knows how to get paid well while making a huge impact. I recommend Sam to any aspiring speaker that wants to make it big in this industry”
The 3 Components of Professional Speaking
Sam says he is nobody special, but he does believe that everyone has a message and can give advice that the rest of the world is waiting to hear.
He believes that there are 3 main components everyone needs to know about the expert professional speaking industry.
These are:
- Positioning
Get a differentiating value proposition by creating a niche. Within a genre that everyone talks about (Futurist, Leadership, Management, Resilience, Inspiration, etc.), what is your unique and different perspective? Developing a niche, understanding market demand, building a strong portfolio, leveraging your ideas and content, developing raving fans and followership, marketing content, getting booked and re-booked, understanding speaker bureaus and the industry, getting a book published, etc!
- Platform
Creating content and IP then delivering a world-class keynote. Understanding stagecraft and effective communication onstage and offstage, understanding and developing storytelling, better communication, disrupting psychology, being confident, competence & intelligence, and then getting certainty!
- Packaging
Creating a product and service that the market wants. Creating a solid online profile, creating better profits through different avenues, developing residual income, being commercial viable, having a greater economic understanding, understanding the power of list building, leveraging and creating content for the market.
There is no better time in history than RIGHT NOW to become an expert and professional speaker. There is more and more demand for speakers to tell their stories, communicate their experiences and share their advice.
Sam Cawthorn will be sharing his expertise in a free event to be held in your local capital city. This is a great opportunity to learn from one of the greatest speakers in the world and to get a chance to become one of his protégés.