
A High School Teacher Discovered These 6 Helpful Secrets To Becoming A Professional Speaker

How Inspiring!


For over 10 years I’ve been a highly paid and global professional speaker reaching over 25 million people through my speeches, books, online programs and social media.


For a while now, I’ve been asked a lot about the speaking industry and how to become a professional speaker.


I have now been coaching ordinary people to become extraordinary by teaching them a proven system on how to become a professional speaker who has a huge global impact, who is in the top 1% financially rewarded, and who creates a life of meaning.


Megan is a high school teacher who knew that she had a bigger message to tell. She came along to my speaker boot camp and within one month she started to see some great results. She had her articles published in the Sydney Morning Herald and was asked to appear on the morning show as an expert guest. She now travels the world as a professional speaker impacting thousands of people’s lives and getting highly paid for her speaking engagements.


She knew there was something greater for her life!

She knew that she had a message to tell the world!

She knew that there was a life of greater financial freedom!

She never thought she was worthy… but we changed that!


When Megan first came to me I worked with her in 6 main areas.


These are:




With so much noise in the expert industry you must differentiate yourself from what everyone else is saying within your industry and genre. What makes your message stand out? How are you different to everyone else in this space?


Once you know your industry or genre (Futurist – Leadership – Management – Resilience, etc.) find out what everyone else is saying in this space. Immerse yourself in the industry and read the top best selling books in this space, read the blogs and study the current celebrity authorities.


Then find out what is missing from the noise and plant yourself in a niche that is not generic and has a differentiating value proposition.


Challenge the thinking / Disrupt the industry / Get Clarity on your messaging




Now that you have bounced your niche idea to other experts, you’re now ready to get the message out. The old rules of PR and marketing was putting together an amazing colourful website and brochures, then get on the phones and begin cold calling and then wait for the world to ‘find you’.


This is old school thinking and it will no longer work.


Authority marketing is similar to content marketing where you get your IP and content out to the world through blogs, social media and emails for free. But the main difference with Authority Marketing is that your communication style is that of an authority. Your researched and evidence-based content brings the credibility, but your delivery is communicated in a way that shows the audiences that the buck stops with you.


Be Confident with your messaging / Be Credible with your research / Be Intelligent with your communication.




The thing about Authority Marketing is that you can spend so much time on a piece of content (whether video, ebook or a blog) that we do not get the return on investment straight away.


Megan started with just 113 followers on her Facebook profile but she blogged twice each week. We worked with the consistency and authenticity of her message and within a month she got another 100 followers, within 3 months she got an extra 1000 followers, and at the 8-month mark it suddenly exploded with over 100,000 people following her. Now she has monetized her blog page which was a great foundation to work with in launching her speaking globally and getting a publisher for her book.


This case shows that when you are consistent with your messaging, and just send quality content out regularly, you may not get the return on investment straight away, but by being faithful with the small numbers the big will come.


Get Content out / Communicate Regularly / Build a Tribe of raving fans




Just like in Megan’s case, consistency is king when you communicate through Authority Marketing. It works the same way when you are on stage. Event managers, speaking bureaus and clients will not book a speaker if they are ‘just OK’ as it could be a bit of a gamble if they haven’t consistently produced the goods.


When you are on stage you must not be ‘just OK’, you MUST be outstanding and be consistent with being outstanding. If you can back this up with a congruent authority marketing action plan then you’ll begin to get paid for what you are worth.


Recently, I spoke at a large conference in California and at the end of my keynote I was handed two pieces of paper. One was from an audience attendee and the other was from the client. On the first class flight back to Australia I opened both pieces of paper and the first piece of paper from the audience member said that “…you have changed my life. I had little to live for from recent circumstances in my life and even thought about ending it. But after hearing your message you having given me a whole new passion for life and I feel very honored to have heard you. You are remarkable.” The other piece of paper from the client was my cheque for a substantial amount for speaking at the event.


Be Consistent with All Communication / Know the Outcome / Be Rewarded Generously for Outstanding Results




The best speakers in the world didn’t just happen to be born ‘the best’ – they continuously learned and got better and better. Invest in yourself and get trained by the best to become outstanding. The greatest times when I have grown and seen progress is when I’m being coached or mentored by someone that I aspire to be like. I have spent over $300k on my brain in the last few years and continue to spend more than 20% of profits back into my training.


An author recently approached me to be coached. She had written more than 6 books and she just wanted to get better at speaking and learn more about getting the big speaking engagements.


She attended my course and paid to become one of my protégés. She did each one of these 6 secret steps and by investing in herself, applying each step and taking action, she has seen the results. Today she travels the world and gets paid top dollar for speaking. She is a regular on the morning TV shows and has released her first international best selling book.


Find ways to get better and invest in your brain, whether it’s to join my 12-month Celebrity Authority protégé course or someone else’s training, but just get better.


Invest in Getting Better / Keep Getting Better / Join a Mastermind or be a Protégé.




This is an area that many speakers, trainers, coachers and authors do not leverage well, yet it is an area that has the MOST amount of potential long term and will give you the most amount of freedom.


E-Books, webinars, online learning, audio series, video programs, e-courses, certifications, consulting, coaching and membership programs are all ways that you can build a solid online authority and make a healthy residual income.


Some of the latest research shows that in the next 18 months, close to a billion people will be coming online and many will look for education, learning and be prepared to pay for it.


Our protégés use our RPM system, which helps you build a database that buys and rapidly turns around a cold client to a raving fan that buys in less than 10 days. This proven formula has helped Megan and our other protégés earn in excess of $100k by following our RPM system in 6 easy steps.


*Sam Cawthorn is one of the most in demand international professional speakers in the world having spoken for many of the Fortune 500 companies.


Through years of defining his craft, learning the industry and becoming commercially smart, he has opened up his unique coaching opportunity.


This is your chance to become a global expert and a celebrity authority and be one of Sam’s protégés.

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  • Attend MASTERING STORYSHOWING FOR INFLUENCE AND AUTHORITY last event. A free event, learning from 7 times International Best Seller and Professional Storyteller, Sam Cawthorn, learning his secrets and techniques. BOOK NOW
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