2014: The Year of Being Proactive
I’ve been reflecting this week on 2013, and how it was a massive year of transition for me.
For too long I had been reactive.
My accident was 7 years ago, and it disrupted everything in my world – my mindset, relationships, physical body, finances and my perspective.
During this time, I was proactive with my rehabilitation and overcoming massive obstacles, and proactive in becoming a professional speaker.
It’s been an extraordinary journey, to say the least. I’ve been so blessed to have travelled the world, started a unique boutique charity helping those that live with a disability in developing worlds, and enjoying an amazing marriage with my wife of 14 years together with 3 children.
Though in recent years, I’ve been reactive; reactive in waiting for the speaking bookings to come and then doing the engagement.
Through all this I’ve become better and better each year on-stage and off-stage in knowing the industry and market.
The bookings have been flowing, sometimes in excess of 10 engagements each week, and the influence bigger and grander both here in Australia and also globally.
But in getting to the point, it’s all been quite reactive by which I’ve missed being on mission and on purpose.
So 2013 was the year that changed things. I became pro-active.
I’d been dabbling around putting together a book and procrastinating putting all my writings together, but this was the year I got my latest book, BOUNCE FORWARD on the shelves around the world.
Throughout 2013 I grew my charity and we have been proactive in running 3 charity events around Australia and been proactive in getting DGR status (Tax deductibility) for the charity as well as finding some big donors to support us.
2013 was also the year that I started teaching others about the speaking industry and getting their message heard globally. We teach aspiring speakers, coachers, trainers, facilitators and online marketers how to be more commercially smart and rock the stage as a global keynote speaker and build a business.
So THIS YEAR, 2014, will be bigger, better and grander and will continue to innovate, create and be proactive in what the future looks like for the ‘Sam Cawthorn group of companies’.
Below are 3 things that have helped me to be proactive throughout 2013:
WHY – Get clarity & always be on mission
GRIT – Become certain, confident & take action
PROXIMITY – Surround yourself with successful people that will speak truth and push you
2014 will be a year that you decide to become more proactive in your personal, professional and financial life to ensure a definite BOUNCE FORWARD into the dreams, desires and passions that are destined for you.